Ep. 42 Dental Health: Filling in Cavities and Gum Regrowth

Lucas and Brion talk all things dental health. We give you two protocols you can follow to get those cavities filling in, and gums in tip top shape.


Dr. Gerard Judd Protocol: https://www.healingteethnaturally.com/dr-gerard-f-judd-dental-researcher.html

Good Teeth from Birth to Death: https://archive.org/details/GoodTeethBirthToDeathGerardJudd/page/n1

Glycerin 2005 Study: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16268396

Dr. Ellie’s Protocol PDF: https://issuu.com/zellies/docs/zellies-cmcsbooklet?mode=window

Dr. Ellie’s Website: https://drellie.com/

Calcium Therapy Institute: https://www.calciumtherapy.com/

Music by Jenny Jahlee from Live at KBOO

Homepage: www.quaxpodcast.com