Ep. 51 KAVA KAVA BAR?! Ben Bush Schools Us on Relaxing the Body

Lucas and Brion sit down with Ben Bush to learn about the underground world of Kava Kava bars, where deals are struck, the women are deadly, and everyone goes home relaxed


Lacuna Kava Bar: https://lacunakavabar.com/

Self Hacked Kava: https://selfhacked.com/blog/health-benefits-kava/

Kava Kava and Liver Damage: https://www.livestrong.com/article/403802-kava-kava-and-liver-damage/

Kava: more evidence it does not cause liver harm: http://kava.guru/kava-news/kava-does-not-cause-liverdamage/

The ban on kava and the bogus liver damage scare: https://reset.me/story/the-ban-on-kava-and-the-bogus-liver-damage-scare/

10 Facts about Kava: https://www.globalhealingcenter.com/natural-health/10-facts-to-know-about-kava/

Homepage: www.quaxpodcast.com

Music by Jenny Jahlee from Live at KBOO